How to Submit a Proposal

😱 The Deadline of CFP is July 14th (Tue).

Table of Contents

Guide for Speakers

Session recording

As PyCon Korea 2020 is going online, the session video will be released after shooting, editing and subtitle work. Therefore, please keep this in minde before you make a proposal for a presentation.

Presentation video deadline is August 31st, Monday.

Review Talk Proposal

Also, first screened proposal will be voted by everyone who wants to. The purpose of this vote is to find out preference and interest of sessions. Program team will select final speakers based on reviews to make this event more fun and enjoyable to as many audience as possible.

Please do not submit something that is unnecessary for review, such as contents that can be inferred who the speaker is and personal information about the speaker. Any such findings may be masked after notice before review.

Continuing communication

For the last, please understand the moment you submit your proposal and till it get selected, there will be continuing communication with program team. We recommend you to submit your proposal earlier before its deadline to communicate with program team to build your talk session more fun and informative.

If you’re all familiar with guidance now, are you ready to start your proposal?

Before you start to fill your proposal

There are a few things to consider before working on proposal.

Also, below information must be included in your proposal.

Item Description Visibility at the time of review
Title -
Category See category list
Target audience (Difficulty) Beginner / Intermediate / Experienced
Required knowledge e.g., If you have experience creating web services in Python, this will help you to listen to the presentation.
Preferable time slot Within 40min*
Language Korean / English
Details of your talk -
Note of Question Only PyCon Korea organizing team can view this section, so feel free to write in any form.

* Time without Q&A time. The plan to proceed Q&A is not yet decided.

Do you feel a little bit overwhelmed with all these criteria? Don't worry! Real guidance is now here. We'll help you with detailed information about how to work on your proposal.

Select a topic

The best way to select a topic is to review topics from previous PyCon event. Not only look for topic, but also get the reference from presentation slides will help you start. Choose interesting topic for audience!

Previous PyCon KR

Once you decide your topic, now you can start thinking about what should be on your proposal in detailed level. Check below information for help.

Good proposal vs Not good proposal

Good proposal 👍

  1. Include below information on your summary/details section.
    • What kind of background does audience need to understand this talk?
    • What does the audience get when they hear this presentation?
  2. Write presentation flow and estimate time of your talk.
  3. If your topic is not familiar to most of Python users, Please include blog address, wiki, source code to help understand topic.

Not good proposal 🙅

  1. Please avoid deliver only simple information such as how to use or advertise your(or your company's) products. However, If you have case at company where you solve programming issue or open source project that helps to audience is more then welcome.
  2. Proposal should be completed and detailed. Incomplete proposal is not acceptable.

How to target your audience

A good presentation delivers right information to specific target audience with certain Python level.

Just like an example above, some cases are easier to select audience than others. but, not all cases are this easy! For those who needs a little more guideline on target audience selection, we have a few things to tell you.


None or little bit of knowledge about Python. They have basic syntax and control flow knowledge but don’t have much of knowledge or experience in standard library and programming in general.

For topic for beginners, topic like "experience with python" or "how to become intermediate in python programming skill" would be appropriate. Like Pandas or Django, not a built-in package of python is not for beginners.


Usually, intermediate level audience like to know how python can be utilized in other programming area. Most of them used python for a long time but have less experience in how python can be utilized and used in many other area such as machine learning or data analysis.

For this target audience, use of web framework, machine learning, web traffic monitoring, and automation could be a good topic. Please understand a proposal for intermediate level users may asked to modify its contents to beginner or expert level after review from program team.


Expert level users are familiar with python programming and general concept of programming. A difference between intermediate and expert is the knowledge and experience of specific field they are in and higher level of programming knowledge.

For expert level users, optimization, internals of library, or Python internal is recommended.

Selection Procedure

The procedure of selecting an talk is as follows. Information related to this can be found on the PyCon Korea website or e-mail.

  1. After the CFP deadline, the PyCon Korea Preparation Organizer reviews the proposed talk.
    • If we need more information, we would request it.
  2. Begin reviewing CFP.
  3. After reviewing CFP, the final speaker will be confirmed.
    • Regardless of the result, we will send an result e-mail to all of you.





