Sparta Coding Club
SpartaCodingClub is a coding education institution for beginners and non-developers. We help non-developers who have no knowledge of coding to understand coding and incorporate it into their lives to become a 'person who knows how to code.
SpartaCodingClub has grown into one of the largest educational institutions in Korea that produces over 500 tutees in a single round. Our curriculum is conducted using Python Flask, and Pycharm Pro is provided to all tutees and tutors free of charge through a partnership with JetBrains. We are actively using Python not only in education but also in the production environment of the services. We have a deep affection for Python so that all systems' backends are built with Python Flask.
In the curriculum, we aim to help beginners to learn coding with a hands-on practice to quickly understand the face and reach the stage where they can do their own projects. So, we would like to help tutees develop the ability of trial-and-error with googling rather than to point out the theory one by one. So we are recruiting developers who have the qualities of educators to make small classes.
Therefore, we have more than 100 field developers as part-time tutors. With tutoring activities, you can use weekday evenings and weekends to earn significant extra income with just 6 hours per week of investment. In addition, you can find new stimuli and opportunities through networking with outstanding fellow tutors and tutors. In addition, we would like to offer an automated profit opportunity by opening an online curriculum based on offline training experiences and tutors' different main skills.
SpartaCodingClub will strive to inform more people about coding and become a pillar of the growth of the Python community. We are always looking for developers to join us on our itinerary, so please feel free to knock on the door of the tutor application.